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Country RHIS Profiles

Country routine health information system (RHIS) profiles provide a snapshot of RHIS and integrated disease surveillance and response (IDSR) systems which collect malaria data in each country.

Search and download country profiles on the Country Files page.

Country RHIS Inventory Files

Country RHIS inventory files are technical resources specific to a country’s Health Information Systems (HIS) that collect malaria data. These include policy and strategy documents, reporting tools, protocol, manuals, and other relevant documents provided by the country and key stakeholders.

The inventory of technical resources for each country can be accessed and downloaded from the Country Files page.

Comparison Tables

Profiles are organized into four primary sections:

  1. RHIS structural overview
  2. Table of key malaria indicators captured by each system
  3. Overview of data quality activities
  4. Briefing of additional context

Each section has sub-topics that can be searched and sorted by running comparison tables.

Select topics for comparison and run comparison tables by country and year on the Comparison Tables page.