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Country RHIS Profiles

Displaying 21 - 30 of 70
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Côte d'Ivoire January 2022 RHIS for CotedIvoire_french_2021_branded template_11122021_ASA_0.pdf Download (PDF, 205.13 KB)
Côte d'Ivoire June 2023 RHIS profile CIV 2023_FR.pdf Download (PDF, 286.08 KB)
Côte d'Ivoire May 2019 RHIS for CotedIvoire_english_2019_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 238.7 KB)
Côte d'Ivoire May 2019 RHIS for CotedIvoire_french_2019_final_1.pdf Download (PDF, 242.83 KB)
D.R. Congo April 2020 RHIS for DRC_2020 English_Final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 223.15 KB)
D.R. Congo April 2020 RHIS for DRC_2020 French_Final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 203.55 KB)
D.R. Congo February 2022 RHIS for DRC_2022 English_Final_final_Jad_0.pdf Download (PDF, 228.46 KB)
D.R. Congo March 2022 RHIS for DRC_2022 French_Final_Jad_0.pdf Download (PDF, 207.55 KB)
D.R. Congo May 2023 RHIS profile DRC_2023_ENG.pdf Download (PDF, 279.74 KB)
Guinea June 2022 RHIS for Guinea_French_2022_update_0.pdf Download (PDF, 243.61 KB)

Country Inventory

Displaying 291 - 300 of 430
Country File Name Download
Rwanda RWD-501_Rwanda Malaria Strategic Plan 2020-2024_signed.pdf Download (PDF, 1.12 MB)
Rwanda RWD-506.1_Integrated Malaria Guidelines _Mail_signed.pdf Download (PDF, 9.98 MB)
Rwanda RWD-519.1_Health Centers HMIS Reporting Form 08-08-2022.pdf Download (PDF, 901.18 KB)
Rwanda RWD-599_IMCI Register 2022 capitation.pdf Download (PDF, 1.08 MB)
Rwanda RWD-599.1_Rwanda_Data_Quality_Assessment_Version_2019.pdf Download (PDF, 1.14 MB)
Senegal SNG-101_ Directives nationales PECADOM intégrée_2013.pdf Download (PDF, 432.99 KB)
Senegal SNG-201_ Registre de Consultation Generale.pdf Download (PDF, 1.69 MB)
Senegal SNG-202_ Registre de Consultation Hospitalisation.pdf Download (PDF, 302.08 KB)
Senegal SNG-203_ Registre de Consultation Prenatale.pdf Download (PDF, 288.34 KB)
Senegal SNG-205.1_ Formulaire Paludime Centre de Sante 2018 VFE.pdf Download (PDF, 702.57 KB)