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Country RHIS Profiles

Displaying 31 - 40 of 70
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Guinea June 2023 RHIS profile Guinea 2023_FR.pdf Download (PDF, 268.28 KB)
Guinea October 2020 RHIS for Guinea_English_2020_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 277.17 KB)
Guinea October 2020 RHIS for Guinea_French_2020_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 239.11 KB)
Liberia July 2023 RHIS profile Liberia 2023_ENG.pdf Download (PDF, 267.53 KB)
Liberia June 2019 RHIS for Liberia_english_2019_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 235.75 KB)
Madagascar June 2023 RHIS profile Madagascar 2023_ENG.pdf Download (PDF, 290.3 KB)
Madagascar May 2019 RHIS for Madagascar_English_2019_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 279.45 KB)
Madagascar May 2019 RHIS for Madagascar_French_2019_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 226.97 KB)
Madagascar November 2021 RHIS for Mada_english_2021.pdf Download (PDF, 359.65 KB)
Malawi July 2021 RHIS for Malawi_english_2021_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 192.07 KB)

Country Inventory

Displaying 421 - 430 of 430
Country File Name Download
Cameroon CAM-519.2_Monthly_Progress_Report_Regional_Central_General_Referral_Hospitals.pdf Download (PDF, 354.29 KB)
D.R. Congo DRC-517_Guide_Surveillance_suivi_Evaluation_Activites_lutte_contre le paludisme_2016.pdf Download (PDF, 1.51 MB)
Ghana GHN-201_General_Outpatient_Register.jpg Download (JPG, 68.82 KB)
Ghana GHN-202_Inpatient_Register.jpg Download (JPG, 77.68 KB)
Kenya KNY-508_Kenya_Master_Health_Facility_List_2016.pdf Download (PDF, 8.42 MB)
Malawi MLW-518_Weekly_Monthly_Quarterly_IDSR_Reporting_Forms.pdf Download (PDF, 116.55 KB)
Mali MLI-504_PSE-MALI_2021-2024_31_Decembre_2021.pdf Download (PDF, 1.78 MB)
Senegal SNG-599_guide_national_diagnostic_biologique_paludisme_version_finalle.pdf Download (PDF, 2.9 MB)
Sierra Leone SIL-507.2_Job_Aid_Use_Report_Request_Issue_Voucher.pdf Download (PDF, 189.09 KB)
Cameroon CAM-199.1_Indicateurs_integres_ISDC.pdf Download (PDF, 206.4 KB)