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Country RHIS Profiles

Displaying 51 - 60 of 70
Name Sort descending File Name Download
Rwanda May 2023 RHIS profile Rwanda 2023_Eng.pdf Download (PDF, 292.75 KB)
Senegal February 2019 RHIS for Senegal French_2019_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 325.98 KB)
Senegal February 2019 RHIS for Senegal_English_2019_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 240.76 KB)
Senegal June 2023 RHIS Senegal 2023_FR.pdf Download (PDF, 306.69 KB)
Senegal May 2022 RHIS for Senegal_French_2022_0.pdf Download (PDF, 404.19 KB)
Sierra Leone June 2023 RHIS Sierra Leone_2023_ENG.pdf Download (PDF, 336.57 KB)
Sierra Leone May 2019 RHIS for Sierra Leone_Final_2019_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 219.34 KB)
Sierra Leone October 2022 RHIS for Sierra Leone_update_2022_0.pdf Download (PDF, 246.05 KB)
Tanzania (Mainland) August 2022 RHIS for Tanzania_2022_final_August 04 2022_0.pdf Download (PDF, 295.32 KB)
Tanzania (Mainland) July 2023 RHIS Tanzania_2023_ENG.pdf Download (PDF, 340.86 KB)

Country Inventory

Displaying 61 - 70 of 430
Country File Name Download
Côte d'Ivoire COI-511_ Manuel de Procedures de Gestion des Donnees Sanitaires_2018.pdf Download (PDF, 2.68 MB)
Côte d'Ivoire COI-515_Guide Technique SIMR 2012.pdf Download (PDF, 4.02 MB)
Côte d'Ivoire COI-519.1_ Rapport Mensuel de L’hopital General_2016.pdf Download (PDF, 2.03 MB)
Côte d'Ivoire COI-519.2_ Rapport Mensuel du Centre Hospitalier Regional_2016.pdf Download (PDF, 2.17 MB)
D.R. Congo DRC-101_ Guide de Mise en Oeuvre -Sites des soins communauaires_2007.pdf Download (PDF, 837.56 KB)
D.R. Congo DRC-205_ Rapport Mensuel du Centre de Santé.pdf Download (PDF, 305.71 KB)
D.R. Congo DRC-206_ Formulaire III_ Rapport Mensuel Complementaire au SNIS_ 2015.pdf Download (PDF, 61.95 KB)
D.R. Congo DRC-401_ Rapport Mensuel du BCZ.pdf Download (PDF, 295.02 KB)
D.R. Congo DRC-501.1_ Plan strategique national de lutte contre le paludisme 2016-2020.pdf Download (PDF, 3.69 MB)
D.R. Congo DRC-501.2_ Plan strategique national de lutte contre le paludisme 2007-2011.pdf Download (PDF, 1.43 MB)