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Country RHIS Profiles

Displaying 1 - 10 of 70
Name Sort descending File Name Download
Angola April 2019 RHIS for Angola_English_2019_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 260.53 KB)
Angola April 2019 RHIS for Angola_Portuguese_2019_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 258.59 KB)
Angola April 2020 RHIS for Angola_English_2020_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 290.88 KB)
Angola June 2022 Angola_portuguese_Juho 2022_0.pdf Download (PDF, 231.99 KB)
Angola June 2023 RHIS profile Angola 2023_FS-23-633q PMM_PG CLEAN.pdf Download (PDF, 280.07 KB)
Angola June 2023 RHIS for Angola_Portuguese_June2023_0.pdf Download (PDF, 282.88 KB)
Angola May 2022 RHIS for Angola_English_2022_0.pdf Download (PDF, 246.52 KB)
Angola May 2023 RHIS profile Angola 2023_FS-23-633t PMM.pdf Download (PDF, 287.32 KB)
Benin April 2019 RHIS for Benin_english_2019_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 247.29 KB)
Benin April 2019 RHIS for Benin_french_2019_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 223.11 KB)

Country Inventory

Displaying 31 - 40 of 430
Country File Name Download
Cameroon CAM-502_ Plan de Suivi et Evaluation 2014-2018.pdf Download (PDF, 1.03 MB)
Cameroon CAM-504.2_ Revue des Performances du Programme National de Lutte Contre le Paludisme_2017.pdf Download (PDF, 293.5 KB)
Cameroon CAM-504.3_ Revue interne du Plan Strategique National de Lutte contre Paludisme_2017.pdf Download (PDF, 317.21 KB)
Cameroon CAM-505_ Rapport D_Activites du Programme National de Lutte Contre le Paludisme_2016.pdf Download (PDF, 2.06 MB)
Cameroon CAM-506.1_ Guidelines for the Management of Malaria in Cameroon_english.pdf Download (PDF, 7.25 MB)
Cameroon CAM-506.2_ Guidelines for the Management of Malaria in Cameroon_french.pdf Download (PDF, 2.2 MB)
Cameroon CAM-507_ Directives pour la Gestion et l’Utilisation Rationnelle des Combinaisons Thérapeutiques à base d’Artemisinine (ACT) au Cameroun.pdf Download (PDF, 249.83 KB)
Cameroon CAM-509_ Key data elements and indicators.pdf Download (PDF, 76.55 KB)
Cameroon CAM-515_ Guide technique SIMR_2011.pdf Download (PDF, 3.1 MB)
Cameroon CAM-517_ Surveillance Epidemiologique aux Fins de la Lutte Antipaludique_2017.pdf Download (PDF, 3.02 MB)