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Country RHIS Profiles

Displaying 11 - 20 of 70
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Benin July 2023 RHIS profile Benin 2023_FS-23-633h PMM.pdf Download (PDF, 242.83 KB)
Benin November 2021 RHIS for Benin_English_ Nov 2021_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 190.78 KB)
Benin November 2021 RHIS for Benin_French_ Nov 2021_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 193.92 KB)
Cameroon June 2019 RHIS for Cameroon_english_2019_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 317.86 KB)
Cameroon June 2019 RHIS for Cameroon_french_2019_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 273.35 KB)
Cameroon June 2020 RHIS for Cameroon_French_2020_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 246.43 KB)
Cameroon June 2020 RHIS for Cameroon_English_2020_final_0.pdf Download (PDF, 235.82 KB)
Cameroon June 2023 RHIS Cameroon 2023_FR.pdf Download (PDF, 298.9 KB)
Cameroon September 2022 RHIS for Cameroon_French_2022.pdf Download (PDF, 218.96 KB)
Côte d'Ivoire December 2021 RHIS for Cote D'Ivoire_English_2021_0.pdf Download (PDF, 203.72 KB)

Country Inventory

Displaying 11 - 20 of 430
Country File Name Download
Burkina Faso BKF-515_ Guide Technique pour la Surveillance Integree De la Maladie et la Riposte au Burkina Faso_2017.pdf Download (PDF, 4.03 MB)
Burkina Faso BKF-501.3_ Plan Strategique de Lutte Contre le Paludisme 2011-215.pdf Download (PDF, 2.24 MB)
Burkina Faso BKF-501.4_ Plan Strategique National de Lutte Contre le Paludisme 2006-2010.pdf Download (PDF, 915.84 KB)
Burkina Faso BKF-502.2_ Plan de Suivi-Evaluation du Plan Strategique de Lutte Contre le Paludisme 2011-2015_Révisé.pdf Download (PDF, 1.31 MB)
Burkina Faso BKF-504_ Rapport de la Revue de Performances du Programme National de Lutte Contre le Paludisme_2016.pdf Download (PDF, 1.79 MB)
Burkina Faso BKF-507_ Systeme d_Information en Gestion Logistique Integre des Produits de Sante au Burkina Faso_2017.pdf Download (PDF, 956.27 KB)
Burkina Faso BKF-510_ Plan_Strategique du systeme National d_information Sanitaire 2010-2020.pdf Download (PDF, 186.01 KB)
Burkina Faso BKF-511_ Manuel de Procedures de Gestion de l_Information Sanitaire_2015.pdf Download (PDF, 1.91 MB)
Burkina Faso BKF-508_ Liste des Formation Saitaire.pdf Download (PDF, 763.44 KB)
Cameroon CAM-102_ Community-level activity reporting form.pdf Download (PDF, 40.71 KB)